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Señores,Señoritas y demas Muchas gracias por hacer posible softwareforfree y hacer de este un sitio en donde compartimos y ayudamos en lo que pudimos a todos uds, gracias por colaborarnos en este proyecto que hemos terminado a mediados del 2008 y que nos ha enseñado nuevas cosas para seguir adelante en este medio, el blog seguira abierto para todos uds para Que descarguen los softwares que hemos compartido.

Muchas gracias Astro,Nando

Easy recovery V6

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2008

¿Borraste tu información por error?

...Easy Recovery Professional es un software de recuperación de archivos perdidos o borrados por accidente de tu Disco Duro,incluyendo memorias Flash USB y algunos otros dispositivos extraibles. Creado en el año 2000 por Ontrack Data Internacional, no requiere cracks para funcionar al 100%
como la version 6.10 actual

"""Esta maravilla de harramienta te escanea a conciencia tu Disco Duro o Unidad Extraible y aún despues de haber realizado un formato rápido encuentra los archivos que sean rescatables,en particiones FAT16,FAT32,NTFS; que tengan entradas truncadas o alteradas por Virus, Spywares, Interrupciones Eléctricas o "Apagados en Frio" que nos dañan la información""".

Descargar - Rapidshare

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

lindo blog :D

Discount Jimmy Choo Handbags dijo...

It sounds like you'd agree that prohibition doesn't work. This is due to the fact that the only thing prohibition successfully prohibits is the regulation of drugs. Consider this. Since prohibition & imprisonment doesn't work, wouldn't it be more effective to provide treatment at 1/10th the cost of jail for those addicts who want it. Or, to apply harm reduction to maintain drug addicts for a tiny fraction of the cost of illicit drugs for those not ready to quit? Plus, harm reduction keeps addicts as productive as possible while negating the necessity for them to commit property crimes to buy extremely expensive illicit drugs of questionable quality & potency from criminals. Harm reduction has the added benefit of destroying drug gangs by taking drug trafficking out of their hands through regulation. 100 years of drug prohibition has accomplished nothing. 1.5% of Americans were addicts before prohibiton began & 1.5% still are. It's this simple, prohibition = anarchy. Contrary to what prohibitionists would have you believe, legalization = regulation. Ask yourself this. Would your addicted child be better off in prison & come out only to use again. Or, would they be better off in treatment or on a maintenance dose to keep them as health & productive as possible? Wouldn't it be better if you didn't have to worry about having your belongings sold for a dime on the dollar by a family member forced to lie & steal for their drugs? Doing the same old things the same old failed way & expecting a different outcome is thedefinition of madness. Visit to find out what retired drug agents say is the only answer to our endless drug wars.

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